Sustainability Management Maturity Index and Benchmark

Every organization is on its own unique sustainability journey.  Some are still coming to grips with sustainability as a compliance issue while others are trying to move it from the wings to centre-stage. A select few have managed to embed sustainability into their governance processes and their day-to-day operations.  

The aim of the Sustainability Management Maturity Index is to help organizations understand where they are on this journey compared to where they could be, relative to their potential.  It also provides guidance on the areas the organization needs to focus on to increase maturity and hence its overall sustainability. Does the organization need to build more capability or does it need to apply its existing capability more broadly, for example.

Organizations can do a self-assessment via an online survey, which is usually completed by the Sustainability Manager.  They can also have RCI provide a more in-depth and independent assessment.

Contact us for further information.